Aged 14 – 18, our Young Leaders volunteer alongside adult leaders with our Beavers, Cubs, and Scouts. We are extremely fortunate to have a number of excellent young leaders in our group, each providing support and a wealth of experience to our adult leadership team.
Our young leaders aren’t just tea-makers! They play an active role in the planning and delivery of the sections programme, all whilst providing a positive role model for the young people they work alongside.
All of our young leaders take part in the Young Leaders’ Scheme, this contains 11 modules and 4 missions for the young leaders to work through with their section. The modules provide the skills and knowledge to succeed, while the missions give them a chance to put their training into practice with support from the adult leaders. On completion of the scheme, young leaders are rewarded with a badge, and young leader belt buckle.
Throughout their time volunteering, young leaders develop skills for life that can be used as part of The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award, Queens Scout’s Award, and later as part of a CV.
If you are interested in volunteering as a young leader with us fill in our volunteering form and this will be directed to our local Explorer Scout Unit (ESU) and they get back to you as soon as possible.